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Airdash Bar Fights Results and Video Playlist

Airdash Bar Fights, hosted by Team X-Over and iAirDash member Stephen "Steef" Reverente, was a fun night of casual gaming and casual drinking. The customers at Papu's and Mamu's Bar & Grill Restaurant were treated to a lot of fun and high-level matches for Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend and Persona 4 Ultimate.

Mini-events were also held. In the Persona 4 3v3 tournament, it was Team Ehada consisting of Angelo "McArthur" Morelos Baldonado, Chase Villanueva and Robert "Insan" Andrada coming out on top, beating the team of Erick "Lovekiller" Viray, Rafael "Raf" Pineda and Luigi Javier in Grand Finals.

Another mini-event was held, which was a special BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend 7-on-7 team match. On Team 1 are Steef, Jade, Jano, Raf, Chico, Dix, Chase and Insan while Team 2 comprises of Dan, Luigi, Riel, Arvi, Bert, Ry, Erick and McArthur. The match came down to the very last match, but in the end, Insan defeats McArthur, winning the match for Team 1.

The full results can be seen below:

Persona 4 Ultimate 3v3 Team Tournament Results:
1: Ehada (McArthur, Chase, Insan)
2: Lovekiller, Raf, Luigi
3: Duqs x 3 (kanji, mitsu, labrys)
3: Ry Dael, Bert Will Penetrate You, Matt Pornuevo
5: Steef, Dix, Dan
5: davidtudtud, migz, jade
5: arvi, riel, oro/jano
5: paul, chico, koji

Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend "Yolo Style" 7v7 Team Match Results:
Steef lost to Dan
Jade beat Dan
Jade beat Luigi
Jade beat Riel
Jade lost to Arvi
Jano beat Arvi
Jano lost to Bert
Raf lost to Bert
Chico beat Bert
Chico lost to Ry
Dix lost to Ry
Chase beat Ry
Chase beat Erick
Chase lost to Gelo
Insan beat Gelo

On a related note, McArthur has compiled all the Airdash Bar Fights videos. Click here to view the entire list.

For more information, go to iAirDash's official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/252314671527119/


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